Mezőtúr has a lot to offer for the visitors like its’ history, cultural and artistic traditions. Choose our hotel for a place of active relaxation.
Sightseeing in the area
Mezőtúr is located on Hungary’s The Great Plain, next tot he Hortobágy-Berettyó.
Its’ name comes from the river Túr. Lajos Nagy gave the agricultural town title and the lily symbol to Mezőtúr.
In front of the Hotel, there is the Town Hall that was built in 1928. From the Town Hall’s tower you can see our town’s beautiful scenery: Református Nagytemplom, Casino, The high school buildings, Town Gallery, Róómai Katolikus Templom and little further there is the Újvárosi Református Templom which was built from bricks made in Mezőtúr. The statues of WW I and WWII, the Kossuth-statue, King Nagy Lajos’s statue and the Dózsa György statue show a little of Hungary’s history. In front of the Town Hall, the Kossuth square can be found. Musical fountain and light shows entertain our locals and visitors.
We should not forget about mentioning Mezőtúr’s pottery. In the Túri Fazekas Múzeum you can see a great representation of our history with pottery. The Badár Emlékház holds a memorial exhibition of our greatest potter Badár Balázs.
Further sights:
- Flóra kút:
The fountain got its’s name from the Flóra-statue that stands in the middle. This is the third and last venue that host this fountian.
- Mezőtúr:
- Our town has a great spa too..
- Hunting is also a nice way to spend one’s free time. There are many operating hunting corporation.
- In may not only the nature’s awakening calls people outside, but also the new season of cultural events like Városi majális in Erzsébet-forest or Children’s day.
- For summer opening, visiting the Vízparti Fiesta in the dock is a great idea.
- An old tradition in our town is the Szent Iván Éji Tűzugrás. It is worth taking a look there!
- Easter-Hungary’s biggest music festival, East Fest waits for its’ people who are ready to party.
- ArTúr art festival, the Túri fair and Túri Fullánk National Waterpolo Festival close the summer period.
- On 20th August is a national celebration in Hungary which we celebrate with Sárkányhajó-race, Lampion lights and street disco.
- In September the Ősz-ülő welcomes its’ visitors in the nature.
- Last event of the year is the Advent period which gets us reagy for the holiday season.
Events and programs in the area:
- Gyomaendrőd: Cheese and cottage-cheese festival (in may), Gyomaendrődi Disznótoros és Bőllérpálinka race
- Túrkeve: Kevi Bőllértalálkozó (second week in Febuary), Juhászfestival (third week of May)
- Kétpó: Alföldi Betyár Cookinfestival
- Szarvas: Arboretum, Szarvasi Watertheatre, Mini Hungary, Historical Hungary’s middle point, Tessedik Sámuel Museum, Körösvölgyi Zoo, Bolza Castle, Gastrofestivals: Plum festival, Cabbage festival, Pálinka festival